Earth Science Week – Day 3: No Child Left Inside Day
Get outside today. Take a kid outside and enjoy the beautiful world around us.
Here are a list of suggested activities to help celebrate this day:
- How Can You Test Your Soil Grades 5-9
- Make Your Own Compass Grades 6-8
- Plant an Ozone Monitoring Garden Grades 6-9
- Sky and Cloud Windows Grades 3-8
- Soil Properties Grades 5-10
- Your Own Greenhouse Grades 3-5
- Earthquake on the Playground Grades 7-12
- Dig Into Soil Grades K-4
- Look Up! Observing Weather Grades K-4
- Streams and Water Quality Grades 9-12
- Be a Paleontologist! Grades 3-12
- Find Your Bearing: Mapping Grades 7-12
- Building Geology: Rock and Mineral Hunt Grades 6-12
- The Human Rock Cycle Grades K-5
- Writing Earth Science Grades K-12
- Earth Science Art Grades K-8
Check out the Earth Science Week No Child Left Inside webpage for additional resources and details.